Cash Office Administration
TSS is quite unique in that it tracks every single action performed by
each cashier. Armed with this wealth of information, the TSS Cash
Office module enables operators to closely monitor the performance of
store employees.
At the conclusion of each shift, the system knows the exact dollar
amount of each tender that should be found in the cash register
drawer. The system can be configured for either blind or nonblind
balancing, depending upon the operational structure used in the store.

After all the drawers are counted and the bank deposit(s) are made at
the end of the day, the Cash Office module produces a meaningful and
useful Daily Sheet Report. This report concisely states exactly
how the store performed during the business day, both in terms of sales
and cashier performance. Additional reports help identify cash
counting discrepancies for selected date periods. Reports also
exist which identify cashiers who exhibit potentially fraudulent
Cashiers in TSS have definable privileges in order to distinguish
between “rookies” and trusted employees for limiting tasks
such as voids, refunds, price overrides, and payouts.
The TSS cash register warns the manager when a cash register pickup is
required. This useful tool helps keep the amount of cash in each
register drawer at a safe level.
WAN or Internet-based financial transaction authorizations mean your
credit card, debit card and EBT transactions are settled in under three
seconds. This is a tremendous convenience for customers paying
with charge cards and for the customers standing behind these customers
in line!
Special item level reporting is supported for items such lottery
tickets, utility payments, or money orders. For these selected
items, the number of units sold and the total dollar amount received
are accurately reported to the vendor or issuing agency.
You work hard and spend money to bring customers into your store and to
encourage them to purchase your products. The TSS Cash Office
system helps your store keep track of the money you’ve earned! |